Summer Expo
Every summer IDG hosts a Summer Expo showcasing a variety of our valuable vendors' collections. It's a wonderful event for meeting designers, vendor reps, and for familiarizing yourself with high end lines. Designers - you won't want to miss out!

Get to know our reps
Regional reps travel from all over the country to attend our event, and it allows our designers to get in on the latest products. Building strong relationships with these reps allows IDG to continue to provide great benefits for our members.

Connect with other designers
As Iowa's biggest interior design showroom, we have the largest designer membership in the area. At our Summer Expo, our designers can catch up with old friends, learn about new lines, maintain strong industry connections, and make new ones.

Make up for lost time
Can't make vendor presentations throughout the year? Our Summer Expo allows you access to a multitude of our knowledgeable reps all at once. Don't miss out on our next Expo - contact us today for more information on this year's event.
Summer Expo 2023 - June 21st!